var buy_veo_contract = (function(){ var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var fee = 200000; var contract1=` ( this allows us to use lists. ) macro [ nil ; macro , swap cons ; macro ] swap cons reverse ; ( this is the maximum value representable in chalang. the payout vector that is used to divide up the money from this contract, it's elements need to sum to maximum ) macro maximum 4294967295 ; ( check that a conditional resulted in 'true', ) ( otherwise the contract should crash. ) macro or_die if else fail then ; ( We need an empty string to end our recursion ) macro empty_string 4 0 split swap drop ; ( variables to customize this contract ) var TradeID TradeNonce Date Ticker Amount Blockchain OracleStartHeight ProvideAddressTimeout ; TradeID ! TradeNonce ! Date ! Ticker ! Amount ! Blockchain ! OracleStartHeight ! ProvideAddressTimeout ! ( if they don't provide a bitcoin address in time, ) ( then give the veo to type 2. ) ProvideAddressTimeout @ height < if [ 0, maximum ] 0 1000 return else then ( evidence to end this contract ) var Address AddressSig ; swap Address ! swap AddressSig ! ( loading the trade receipt from consensus state, ) ( because only the person who accepted this swap ) ( request can choose the address to receive their ) ( cryptocurrency on the other blockchain. ) var Acc2 ; car drop car swap drop car swap drop car drop 32 split TradeID @ =2 or_die 65 split Acc2 ! TradeNonce @ =2 or_die ( check that Acc2 signed over Address where they want ) ( to receive their BTC or whatever ) AddressSig @ Address @ Acc2 @ verify_sig or_die ( type 1 of first contract pays out to type 1 of second ) ( contract. type 2 of first contract pays out to type 2 ) ( of second contract ) [ [ maximum , 0 ] , [ 0 , maximum ] ] ( generating the root hash of the second smart contract ) ( OracleStartHeight Blockchain Amount Ticker Date Address part2 call ) macro int_op binary AA== ; macro bin_op binary Ag== ; macro call_op binary cQ== ; ( for measuring the number of bytes in a binary ) def ( bin accumulator -- length ) swap dup empty_string =2 if drop else 1 split drop swap 1 + recurse call then ; var bin_length_fun ; bin_length_fun ! macro bin_length ( bin -- length ) 0 bin_length_fun @ call ; ( this anonymous function converts a binary value into chalang code for loading that same binary value into a different chalang VM instance. This is how we write a chalang contract in this contract. ) def @ >r bin_op r@ bin_length ++ r> ++ ++ ; var bin_code_fun ; bin_code_fun ! macro bin_code bin_code_fun @ call ; var part2 ; int_op OracleStartHeight @ ++ Blockchain bin_code Amount bin_code Ticker bin_code Date bin_code Address bin_code bin_op ++ 32 ++ part2 ++ call_op ++ hash 0 1000 `; var contract2 = ` ( this allows us to use lists. ) macro [ nil ; macro , swap cons ; macro ] swap cons reverse ; ( this is the maximum value representable in chalang. ) ( the payout vector that is used to divide up the money ) ( from this contract, it's elements need to sum to ) ( maximum ) macro maximum 4294967295 ; ( check that a conditional resulted in "true", ) ( otherwise the contract should crash. ) macro or_die if else fail then ; macro oracle_builder ( blockchain address amount ticker date -- oracle_text ) >r >r >r >r >r ." The " r> ++ ." address " r> ++ ++ ." is an invalid address for that blockchain or has received more than or equal to " r> ++ ++ ." of " r> ++ ++ ." before " r> ++ ++ ; macro oracle_id ( question_hash start_height -- oid) 0 dup ++ ++ swap ++ hash ; ( This is the static part of the second smart contract. ) : part2 ( variables to customize this contract ) var Address Date Ticker Amount Blockchain OracleStartHeight ; Address ! Date ! Ticker ! Amount ! Blockchain ! OracleStartHeight ! ( grab the OID from the consensus state. ) var OID OracleResult OID2 ; car drop car swap drop car swap drop car drop 32 split OID ! ( get the one-byte result of the oracle, ) ( convert to a 4 byte integer) 1 split swap drop binary AAAA swap ++ ( 3 bytes of zeros ) OracleResult ! ( Date @ Ticker @ Amount @ Address @ Blockchain @ ) Blockchain @ Address @ Amount @ Ticker @ Date @ oracle_builder hash ( now we have the question hash ) ( generate OID from oracle question ) OracleStartHeight @ oracle_id OID2 ! ( checking that the oids match ) OID @ OID2 @ =2 or_die OracleResult @ 1 =2 if ( result of oracle is "true" so the bitcoin arrived in time ) ( give the money to type 2 ) [ 0 , maximum ] 0 1000 else OracleResult @ 2 =2 if ( result of oracle is "false" so the bitcoin did not arrive in time ) ( give the money to type 1 ) [ maximum , 0 ] 0 1000 else var half ; maximum 2 / half ! [ half @ , maximum half @ - ] OracleResult @ 3 =2 if ( bad question ) ( split the money 50-50 ) 0 1000 else ( oracle unresolved ) ( keep waiting for the oracle to resolve ) maximum 1 then then then ; ` function settings( reusable_settings, address_timeout, trade_nonce, TID ){ var s = ` AT RS TN binary TID `; s = s.replace("AT", address_timeout) .replace("RS", reusable_settings) .replace("TN", trade_nonce) .replace("TID", TID); return(s); }; function reusable_settings( oracle_start_height, blockchain, amount, ticker, date ){ var s = ` int4 OSH ." BLOCKCHAIN" ." AMOUNT" ." TICKERPART" ." DATEPART" `; s = s.replace("OSH", oracle_start_height) .replace("BLOCKCHAIN", blockchain) .replace("AMOUNT", amount) .replace("TICKERPART", ticker) .replace("DATEPART", date); return(s); }; function contract2bytes( reusable_settings, bitcoin_address ){ var s = ` ." ADDRESS" ID2 call `; s = s.replace("ADDRESS", bitcoin_address) .replace("ID2", part2id()); s = reusable_settings.concat(s); s = chalang_compiler.doit(s); return(s); }; function part2id(){ var code = contract2.concat(` part2 `); var bytes = chalang_compiler.doit(code); return(" binary ".concat(btoa(array_to_string(run(bytes)[0].slice(1))))); }; function part1static_bytes(){ var s = ` macro part2 ` .concat(part2id()) .concat(` ; `) .concat(contract1); s = chalang_compiler.doit(s); return(s); }; function contract1bytes(settings){ var s = chalang_compiler.doit(settings); var r = s.concat(part1static_bytes()); return(r); }; function run(code){ var d = chalang_object.data_maker( 100000, 100000, 10000, 10000, [], [], chalang_object.new_state(0, 0)); var result = chalang_object.run5(code, d); return(result.stack); }; function new_contract_tx(ch, source, source_type) { if(!(source)){ source = ZERO; }; if(!(source_type)){ source_type = 0; }; var tx = ["contract_new_tx",, ch, fee, 2, source, source_type]; return(tx); }; function buy_veo_offer( blocks_till_offer_expires, security_lockup, amount_to_buy, cid, salt ) { //needs to send settings, and ability to make the reusable settings, to p2p_derivatives_explorer. var offer = {}; var block_height =[1]; offer.salt = salt; offer.start_limit = block_height - 1; offer.end_limit = block_height + blocks_till_offer_expires; offer.amount1 = security_lockup; offer.cid1 = ZERO; offer.type1 = 0; offer.amount2 = security_lockup + amount_to_buy; offer.cid2 = cid; offer.type2 = 2; offer.acc1 =; offer.partial_match = false; var signed_offer = swaps.pack(offer); return(signed_offer); }; function rid_maker(trade_id, their_pub){ //receipt id maker: //hash:doit(<>). //assume swap nonce is 1 var rid = btoa(array_to_string(hash( string_to_array(atob(trade_id)) .concat(string_to_array(atob(their_pub))) .concat(integer_to_array(1, 4))))); return(rid); }; function evidence_of_no_deposit_address( contract1bytes, nonce ){ var cid = make_cid(contract1bytes, 2, ZERO, 0); var tx = ["contract_evidence_tx",, nonce, fee, btoa(array_to_string(contract1bytes)), cid, "", [-6]]; var timeout_tx = ["contract_timeout_tx2",, nonce+1, fee, cid, 0, 0, 0, 0]; return([tx, timeout_tx]); }; function make_txs_to_choose_deposit_address( deposit_address, contract1bytes, their_pub, reusable_settings, trade_id, nonce, source, source_type ){ if(!(source)){ source = ZERO; }; if(!(source_type)){ source_type = 0; }; var ch = btoa(array_to_string( hash(contract1bytes))); var cid = make_cid(contract1bytes, 2, source, source_type); var rid = rid_maker(trade_id,; var sig = keys.raw_sign(serialize(btoa(deposit_address))); var evidence = ` binary ` .concat(sig) .concat(` ." `) .concat(deposit_address) .concat(`" `); evidence = chalang_compiler.doit(evidence); var new_tx = new_contract_tx(ch, source, source_type); var tx = ["contract_evidence_tx",, nonce, fee, btoa(array_to_string(contract1bytes)), cid, btoa(array_to_string(evidence)), [-6, ["receipts", rid]]]; var timeout_tx = first_timeout(cid, ch, reusable_settings, deposit_address, nonce+1, source, source_type); return([new_tx, tx, timeout_tx]); }; function make_oracle_question(reusable_settings, bitcoin_address){ //get the deposit address by looking up the contract in the contract_explorer, and looking up the evidence tx from that, and run the evidence in a chalang vm to find out their bitcoin address. var s = ` ." BA" Address ! Date ! Ticker ! Amount ! Blockchain ! drop Blockchain @ Address @ Amount @ Ticker @ Date @ oracle_builder `; s = reusable_settings .concat(contract2) .concat(s); var s = s.replace("BA", bitcoin_address); var bytes = chalang_compiler.doit(s); var b = run(bytes)[0]; b = b.slice(1); b = array_to_string(b); return(b); }; function make_cid(bytes, type, Source, SourceType) { var ch = scalar_derivative.hash(btoa(array_to_string(bytes))); var cid = merkle.contract_id_maker( ch, type, Source, SourceType); return(cid); }; function resolve_evidence_tx( oid, contract2bytes, cid1, result, nonce ) { //get the oid by making the oracle question. //providing evidence the second time var cid2 = make_cid(contract2bytes, 2, ZERO, 0); var evidence2 = chalang_compiler.doit(contract2); var prove var evidence_tx = [ "contract_evidence_tx",, nonce, fee, btoa(array_to_string(contract2bytes)), cid2, btoa(array_to_string(evidence2)), [-6, ["oracles", oid]] ]; var timeout_tx = [ "contract_timeout_tx2",, nonce+1, fee, cid2, 0, 0, 0, 0]; var simplify = simplify_tx(cid1, cid2, result, nonce+2); return([evidence_tx, timeout_tx, simplify]); }; function vector(Matrix, result){ var vector; if(result === 1){ vector = Matrix[1]; } else { vector = Matrix[2]; } return(vector); }; function simplify_tx(CID, CID2, result, nonce) { var Matrix = matrix(); var Vector = vector(Matrix, result); var tx = ["contract_simplify_tx",, nonce, fee, CID, CID2, 0, Matrix, Vector]; return(tx); }; async function both_winners(cid){ const mat = matrix(); const row1 = mat[1]; const row2 = mat[2]; const sid1 = sub_accounts.normal_key(, cid, 1); const sid2 = sub_accounts.normal_key(, cid, 2); const sa1 = await sub_accounts.arpc(sid1); const sa2 = await sub_accounts.arpc(sid2); const balance = Math.max(sa1[1], sa2[1]); const winnings_tx = [ "contract_winnings_tx", 0,0,0, cid, balance, sid1,, proof1(), row1]; const winnings_tx2 = [ "contract_winnings_tx", 0,0,0, cid, balance, sid2,, proof2(), row2]; return([winnings_tx, winnings_tx2]); }; function contract_evidence_proof() { return([-7,"DuuMB6kmlzrtq7xvpJZC01BrGSojmrRIiQH+n9oU2cM=","cqT6NUTkOoNv/LJozgbM28VdRNXmsbHBkhalPqmDAf0=",[-6,[-7,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","69C/42A2nzhjBR3hE6PxPhdn/FY060N1dMOt2RIVMVo=","/0URezACy63B5htZN80FCOUC1ZyUPvbLaCwqIV3LP80=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="]]]); }; function first_timeout(CID, CH, reusable_settings, deposit_address, nonce, source, source_type) { if(!(source)){ source = ZERO; }; if(!(source_type)){ source_type = 0; }; var Matrix = matrix(); var proofs = contract_evidence_proof(); var row = Matrix[1]; var c2b = contract2bytes( reusable_settings, deposit_address); var CH2 = scalar_derivative.hash(btoa(array_to_string(c2b))); var child_cid = make_cid(c2b, 2, source, source_type); var tx = ["contract_timeout_tx2",, nonce, fee, CID, proofs, CH2, row, child_cid]; return(tx); }; async function get_deposit_address(cid, txs){ var IP = default_ip(); var response = {}; let consensus_state_contract = await rpc.apost(["contracts", cid]); if(consensus_state_contract === 0){ //contract doesn't exist in consensus state space. //console.log("contract not in consensus space"); return(response); }; response.consensus_state_contract = consensus_state_contract; var result = consensus_state_contract[7]; if(result === ZERO){ //console.log("unfinalized contract"); return(response); }; var sink = consensus_state_contract[10]; let contract2 = await rpc.apost(["contract", cid], IP, 8091); contract2 = contract2[1]; let contract_txs; if(contract2 === 0){ contract_txs = []; } else if(!(contract2)){ contract_txs = []; } else { contract_txs = contract2[5].slice(1); }; contract_txs = await txids_to_txs(contract_txs, []); txs = txs.concat(contract_txs); var timeout_txs = txs.filter(function(tx){ return((tx[1][0] === "contract_timeout_tx2") && (tx[1][4] === cid)) }); if((!(contract_txs)) && (txs.length === 0)){ //console.log("no timeout tx"); return(response); }; if((timeout_txs.length === 0)){ //console.log(JSON.stringify(cid)); //console.log(JSON.stringify(txs)); //console.log("no timeout tx2"); return(response); }; var sink2 = timeout_txs[0][1][8]; if(!(sink === sink2)){ return(response); }; response.sink = sink; evidence_txs = txs.filter(function(tx){ return((tx[1][0] === "contract_evidence_tx") && (tx[1][5] === cid)); }); var evidence_txs2 = await avalid_evidence_txs(evidence_txs, sink, cid, []); if(evidence_txs2.length === 0){ return(["fail", "could not generate evidence txs"]); }; var evidence_tx = evidence_txs2[0]; var evidence = evidence_tx[1][6]; var address = run(string_to_array(atob(evidence))).reverse()[1]; address = array_to_string(address.slice(1)); response.address = address; return(response); }; async function aspk_prove_facts(prove){ var s = `macro [ nil ;/ macro , swap cons ;/ macro ] swap cons reverse ;/ [`; var b = await aprove_facts2(prove, ""); if(b[0] === "fail"){ return b; }; var f = s.concat(b); var compiled = chalang_compiler.doit(f); return(compiled); }; async function aprove_facts2(prove, code){ //prove is [{tree, key}|...] //ID = tree2id(Tree, Height), //grab `data` from the full node. var tree = prove[0][0]; var id = tree2id(tree); var key = prove[0][1]; var data; var dip = default_ip(); if(dip === ""){ data = await rpc.apost([tree, key]); } else { data = await merkle.arequest_proof(tree, key); }; if(data === "empty"){ return(["fail", "cannot make a proof"]); } var data_part; if(data === 0){ data_part = ", int4 0 "; } else { var SD = merkle.serialize(data); data_part = ", binary " + btoa(array_to_string(SD)); } var type_part = "int4 ".concat(id); var key_part; if(typeof(key) === "number"){ key_part = ", int4 " + key; } else { key = string_to_array(atob(key)); key_part = ", binary " + btoa(array_to_string(key)); } var fact = "[" + type_part + key_part + data_part + "]"; if (prove.length > 1){ fact = fact.concat(", "); return(aprove_facts2( prove.slice(1), code.concat(fact))); } else { return(code.concat(fact).concat("]")); } }; async function avalid_evidence_txs(evidence_txs, sink, cid, keepers){ if(evidence_txs.length === 0) { return(keepers); }; var tx = evidence_txs[0]; var other_txs = evidence_txs.slice(1); function callbackwithout(){ return(avalid_evidence_txs( other_txs, sink, cid, keepers)); }; function callbackwith(){ return(avalid_evidence_txs( other_txs, sink, cid, keepers.concat([tx]))); }; if(!(tx[1][0] === "contract_evidence_tx")){ console.log("wrong tx type"); return(callbackwithout()); }; if(!(tx[1][5] === cid)){ console.log("tx for wrong contract"); return(callbackwithout()); }; var contract = string_to_array(atob(tx[1][4])); var cid_check = tx[1][5]; if(!(cid === cid_check)){ console.log("invalid contract code"); return(callbackwithout()); }; var evidence = string_to_array(atob(tx[1][6])); var prove = tx[1][7].slice(1); //spk_prove_facts(prove, function(prove_code){ //maybe this prove part is unnecessary, and slows us down without reason. var prove_code = await aspk_prove_facts(prove); if(prove_code[0] === "fail"){ console.log("cannot make a merkle proof for the contract"); return(callbackwithout()); }; var sink_check = run(evidence.concat(prove_code).concat(contract))[2]; sink_check2 = merkle.contract_id_maker(btoa(array_to_string(sink_check.slice(1))), 2, ZERO, 0); return(callbackwith()); }; async function txids_to_txs(txids, txs){ if(txids.length === 0){ return(txs); }; const tx = await rpc.apost(["txs", txids[0]], default_ip(), 8091); return(txids_to_txs( txids.slice(1), [tx[1][3]].concat(txs))); }; function tree2id(name){ if(name === "accounts"){ return(1); } else if(name === "channels"){ return(2); } else if(name ==="existence"){ return(3); } else if(name ==="oracles"){ return(4); } else if(name === "governance"){ return(5); } else { return(0); }; }; function proof1(){ return([-7,"DuuMB6kmlzrtq7xvpJZC01BrGSojmrRIiQH+n9oU2cM=","cqT6NUTkOoNv/LJozgbM28VdRNXmsbHBkhalPqmDAf0=",[-6,[-7,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","69C/42A2nzhjBR3hE6PxPhdn/FY060N1dMOt2RIVMVo=","/0URezACy63B5htZN80FCOUC1ZyUPvbLaCwqIV3LP80=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="]]]); }; function proof2(){ return([-7,"DuuMB6kmlzrtq7xvpJZC01BrGSojmrRIiQH+n9oU2cM=","WYFpPI34PuoW2kKg90j6yymVRmiFRKDCiH7V/78IboY=",[-6,[-7,"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","69C/42A2nzhjBR3hE6PxPhdn/FY060N1dMOt2RIVMVo=","/0URezACy63B5htZN80FCOUC1ZyUPvbLaCwqIV3LP80=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA=","AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA="]]]); }; function matrix(){ var MAX = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(-1, 4))); var MIN = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 4))); const matrix = [-6, [-6, MAX, MIN],[-6, MIN, MAX]]; return(matrix); }; async function contract_to_1bytes(contract){ var address_timeout = contract[4]; var oracle_start_height = contract[5]; var blockchain = atob(contract[6]); var other_chain_amount = atob(contract[7]); var ticker = atob(contract[8]); var date = atob(contract[9]); var reusable_settings = buy_veo_contract.reusable_settings(oracle_start_height, blockchain, other_chain_amount, ticker, date); var tid = contract[10]; var trade_nonce = 1;//otherwise get it from the swap offer? var settings = buy_veo_contract.settings(reusable_settings, address_timeout, trade_nonce, tid); var contract1bytes = buy_veo_contract.contract1bytes(settings); return(contract1bytes); }; async function verified_p2p_contract(cid){ //gets the contract data from the p2p derivatives server. //checks a merkle proof to know this data is correct. let p2p_contract = await rpc.apost(["read", 3, cid], default_ip(), 8090); if(p2p_contract === 0){ console.log("no contract"); return(0); }; if(!(p2p_contract[0] === "contract")){ console.log("wrong type"); return(0); }; var contract1bytes = await contract_to_1bytes(p2p_contract); //var cid2 = make_cid(contract1bytes, 2, ZERO, 0); var cid2 = make_cid( contract1bytes, 2, p2p_contract[2], p2p_contract[3]); var cid3 = p2p_contract[1]; if((!(cid === cid2)) || (!(cid === cid3))){ console.log("got bad contract data from the server"); console.log(JSON.stringify(p2p_contract)); console.log(cid); console.log(cid2); console.log(cid3); return(0); }; return(p2p_contract); }; async function is_buy_veo_contract(contract, txs){ var cid = contract[1]; var b1 = (contract[0] === "contract"); var r = await buy_veo_contract.get_deposit_address(cid, txs); if(!(b1)){return(false)}; if(!(r.address)){return(false)}; return(r); }; function test(){ var bytes1 = chalang_compiler.doit(contract1); //var bytes2 = chalang_compiler.doit(contract2); console.log(JSON.stringify(bytes1)); return([bytes1.length]);//should be 337, 104. //is 215, 264 }; return({ //exposed for testing only. test: test, run: run, part2id: part2id, part1static_bytes: part1static_bytes, simplify_tx: simplify_tx, //configuration set_fee: function(x) { fee = x; }, //functions we use. settings: settings, reusable_settings: reusable_settings, contract2bytes: contract2bytes, contract1bytes: contract1bytes, buy_veo_offer: buy_veo_offer, choose_deposit_address_tx: make_txs_to_choose_deposit_address, evidence_of_no_deposit_address: evidence_of_no_deposit_address, oracle_question: make_oracle_question, resolve_evidence_tx: resolve_evidence_tx, make_cid: make_cid, new_contract_tx: new_contract_tx, get_deposit_address: get_deposit_address, proof1: proof1, proof2: proof2, matrix: matrix, contract_to_1bytes: contract_to_1bytes, verified_p2p_contract: verified_p2p_contract, both_winners: both_winners, is_buy_veo_contract: is_buy_veo_contract }); })();