(function(){ var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var buy_div1 = document.getElementById("buy_veo_contracts"); var refresh_div = document.createElement("div"); buy_div1.appendChild(refresh_div); var refresh_button = button_maker2("refresh", refresh); refresh_div.appendChild(refresh_button); refresh_div.appendChild(br()); var div = document.createElement("div"); buy_div1.appendChild(div); async function refresh(){ console.log("refresh started"); let account = await rpc.apost(["account", keys.pub()], default_ip(), 8091); if(account === "error"){ console.log("account does not exist"); return(0); }; div.innerHTML = ""; account = account[1]; var subaccounts = account[3].slice(1).reverse(); var dip = default_ip(); if(dip === ""){ let txs = await rpc.apost(["txs"]); txs0 = txs.slice(1); txs = txs0.filter(function(tx){ return(tx[1][0] === "contract_timeout_tx2"); }); const sids = txs.map(function(tx){ return(tx[1][4]); }); subaccounts = sids .concat(subaccounts); }; return(refresh2(subaccounts)); }; async function refresh2(subaccounts){ console.log(subaccounts.length); if(subaccounts.length === 0){ console.log("refresh2 finished"); return(0); }; var cid = subaccounts[0]; function callback(){ //console.log(JSON.stringify(subaccounts)); return(refresh2(subaccounts.slice(1))); }; //subaccounts.map(async function(cid){ var option_div = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(option_div); var id1 = sub_accounts.normal_key(keys.pub(), cid, 1); var id2 = sub_accounts.normal_key(keys.pub(), cid, 2); let sa1 = await sub_accounts.arpc(id1); let sa2 = await sub_accounts.arpc(id2); let p2p_contract = await buy_veo_contract.verified_p2p_contract(cid); //let p2p_contract = await rpc.apost(["read", 3, cid], default_ip(), 8090); if(p2p_contract === 0){ return(callback()); }; console.log("verified read"); console.log(JSON.stringify(p2p_contract)); var txs = await rpc.apost(["txs"]); txs = txs.slice(1); var address_sink = await buy_veo_contract.get_deposit_address(cid, txs); //console.log(JSON.stringify(address_sink)); if(((!(sa1 === 0)) && (sa1[1] > 0)) || ((!(sa2 === 0)) && (sa2[1] > 0))){ //if((!(sa1 === 0)) || // (!(sa2 === 0))){ //about this p2p_contract var address_string = "
to address: undecided"; if (address_sink.address){ address_string = "
to address: ".concat(address_sink.address); }; var s = "" .concat(atob(p2p_contract[7])) .concat(" of ") .concat(atob(p2p_contract[8])) .concat("
in blockchain ") .concat(atob(p2p_contract[6])) .concat(address_string) .concat("
is delivered by date: ") .concat(atob(p2p_contract[9])) .concat(" contract id: ") .concat(cid); var p = document.createElement("span"); p.innerHTML = s; option_div.appendChild(br()); option_div.appendChild(p); option_div.appendChild(br()); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.innerHTML = "contract with id: ".concat(cid); link.target = "_blank"; link.href = "explorers/contract_explorer.html?cid=".concat(cid); option_div.appendChild(link); option_div.appendChild(br()); } else { return(callback()); }; //display balances if((!(sa1 === 0)) && (sa1[1] > 0)){ var bal = sa1[1]; var s = document.createElement("span"); s.innerHTML = "you win " .concat(bal) .concat(" if the money is not delivered"); option_div.appendChild(s); option_div.appendChild(br()); } if((!(sa2 === 0)) && (sa2[1] > 0)){ var bal = sa2[1]; var s = document.createElement("span"); s.innerHTML = "you win " .concat(bal) .concat(" if the money is delivered"); option_div.appendChild(s); option_div.appendChild(br()); } //interface to combine if((!(sa1 === 0)) && (!(sa2 === 0)) && ((sa1[1] > 0)) && ((sa2[1] > 0))){ combine_to_veo(cid, sa1, sa2, address_sink.consensus_state_contract, option_div); }; if((!(sa1 === 0)) || (!(sa2 === 0))){ oracle_options(cid, p2p_contract, address_sink.address, address_sink.consensus_state_contract, address_sink.sink, sa1, sa2, option_div); }; return(callback()); }; async function oracle_options(cid, p2p_contract, bitcoin_address, cs_contract, sink, sa1, sa2, option_div){ console.log("oracle options"); //console.log(bitcoin_address); var choose_address_timeout = p2p_contract[4]; var height_now = headers_object.top()[1]; var oracle_start_height = p2p_contract[5]; var blockchain = atob(p2p_contract[6]); var amount = atob(p2p_contract[7]); var ticker = atob(p2p_contract[8]); var date = atob(p2p_contract[9]); var reusable_settings = buy_veo_contract.reusable_settings(oracle_start_height, blockchain, amount, ticker, date); console.log(JSON.stringify([ "out of time", (!(bitcoin_address)), (cs_contract[7] === ZERO), (sa1[1] > 0), (height_now > choose_address_timeout)])); console.log(cs_contract[7]); console.log(JSON.stringify(cs_contract)); console.log(ZERO); if((!(bitcoin_address)) && (cs_contract[7] === ZERO) && (sa1[1] > 0) && (height_now > choose_address_timeout)){ console.log("ran out of time"); //they ran out of time to deliver the veo. //todo. test var out_of_time_button = button_maker2("they ran out of time", async function(){ console.log("if you have winning shares, withdraw your winnings."); var contract1bytes = await buy_veo_contract.contract_to_1bytes(p2p_contract); console.log(JSON.stringify(contract1bytes)); var my_acc = await rpc.apost(["account", keys.pub()]); var nonce = my_acc[2] + 1; var [evidence, timeout] = buy_veo_contract.evidence_of_no_deposit_address(contract1bytes, nonce); if(!(cid === evidence[5])){ console.log(JSON.stringify([cid, evidence[5]])); return(0); } var payout_vector = buy_veo_contract.matrix()[0]; var sub_account = sub_accounts.normal_key(keys.pub(), cid, 1); var winnings = ["contract_winnings_tx", 0,0,0, cid, sa1[1], sub_account, keys.pub(), payout_vector,0]; var nonce2 = timeout[2]; var txs = [timeout, winnings]; var multi = await multi_tx.amake(txs); evidence = keys.sign(evidence); multi = keys.sign(multi); console.log(JSON.stringify(evidence)); var response = await apost_txs([evidence, multi]); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = response; option_div.appendChild(br()); option_div.appendChild(span); option_div.appendChild(br()); return(0); }); option_div.append(out_of_time_button); option_div.append(br()); return(0); }; console.log("should happen"); //console.log(reusable_settings); //console.log(bitcoin_address); var question = buy_veo_contract.oracle_question(reusable_settings, bitcoin_address); //console.log(question); var oid = id_maker(oracle_start_height, 0, 0, question); var consensus_oracle; var dip = default_ip(); if(dip === ""){ consensus_oracle = await rpc.apost(["oracles", oid]); } else { consensus_oracle = await merkle.arequest_proof("oracles", oid); }; console.log(consensus_oracle); if(consensus_oracle === 0){ consensus_oracle = "empty"; } if((consensus_oracle === "empty") && (!(cs_contract[7] === ZERO))){ //if the oracle doesn't exist, give a button for creating it. console.log("button to make oracle"); var fee = 152050; var new_oracle_button = button_maker2("the money was delivered. create the oracle.", async function(){ new_oracle(oracle_start_height, question, 1, option_div); }); var new_oracle_false_button = button_maker2("the money was NOT delivered. create the oracle.", async function(){ new_oracle(oracle_start_height, question, 2, option_div); }); option_div.appendChild(new_oracle_button); option_div.appendChild(new_oracle_false_button); return(0); }; if(consensus_oracle[2] === 0){ //if the oracle exists and isn't settled, link to the explorer for that oracle. console.log("explorer link"); var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "explorers/oracle_explorer.html?oid=" .concat(oid); a.innerHTML = "the oracle is live. you can see details about it here."; a.target = "_blank"; option_div.appendChild(a); return(0); }; //if the oracle is settled and you have winning shares, then give a button to convert your winnings to veo. Converts to the child contract first. // todo. test when we need to simplify. // todo. test when we don't need to simplify. var resolved = (cs_contract[6] === 1); var sinked = (cs_contract[10] === sink); var rns = resolved && sinked; var txs = []; const matrix = buy_veo_contract.matrix(); var show_button = false; var result, sa; if((consensus_oracle[2] === 2) && (sa1[1] > 1)){ show_button = true; result = 1; sa = sa1; }; if((consensus_oracle[2] === 1) && (sa2[1] > 1)){ show_button = true; result = 2; sa = sa2; }; if(show_button){ var win_button = button_maker2("the oracle resolved and you won. click here to get your winnings.", async function(){ var row = matrix[result]; var sid = sub_accounts.normal_key(keys.pub(), cid, result); var winnings_tx = [ "contract_winnings_tx", 0,0,0, cid, sa[1], sid, keys.pub(), row, 0]; var my_acc = await rpc.apost(["account", keys.pub()]); var nonce = my_acc[2] + 1; var contract2bytes = buy_veo_contract .contract2bytes( reusable_settings, bitcoin_address); console.log(contract2bytes); const [evidence_tx, timeout_tx, simplify_tx] = buy_veo_contract .resolve_evidence_tx( oid, contract2bytes, cid, result, nonce); txs = txs.concat([timeout_tx]); if(rns){ txs = txs.concat([simplify_tx]); }; txs = txs.concat([winnings_tx]); var response = await apost_txs([keys.sign(evidence_tx)]); console.log(response); var multi = await multi_tx.amake(txs); multi = keys.sign(multi); var response2 = await apost_txs([multi]); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = response .concat("
") .concat(response2); option_div.appendChild(br()); option_div.appendChild(span); option_div.appendChild(br()); }); option_div.appendChild(win_button); refresh_div.appendChild(br()); }; }; async function new_oracle(oracle_start_height, question, result, option_div) { var fee = 152050; var acc = await rpc.apost(["accounts", keys.pub()]); var nonce = acc[2] + 1; var oid = id_maker(oracle_start_height, 0, 0, question); var new_tx = [ "oracle_new", keys.pub(), nonce, Math.round(fee*1.1), btoa(question), oracle_start_height, oid, 0, 0, 0]; var bet_amount = 2220000; var bet_tx = ["oracle_bet", 0, 0, 0, oid, result, bet_amount]; var txs = [new_tx, bet_tx]; tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var response = await apost_txs([stx]); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = response; option_div.appendChild(br()); option_div.appendChild(span); option_div.appendChild(br()); var link = document.createElement("a"); link.innerHTML = "oracle with id: ".concat(oid); link.target = "_blank"; link.href = "explorers/oracle_explorer.html?oid=".concat(oid); option_div.appendChild(link); option_div.appendChild(br()); }; async function combine_to_veo(cid, sa1, sa2, consensus_contract, option_div){ console.log("combine_to_veo"); //console.log(JSON.stringify(consensus_contract)); var closed = consensus_contract[6]; var button = button_maker2("combine both share types back to veo", async function(){ var tx; var amount = Math.min(sa1[1], sa2[1]); if(closed === 0){ //if the child contract doesn't exist, can just combine to veo. var acc = await rpc.apost(["account", keys.pub()]); var nonce = acc[2]+1; var fee = 152050; tx = ["contract_use_tx", keys.pub(),nonce,fee, cid, -amount, 2, ZERO, 0]; } else { //if the child contract exists, needs to convert them both to the child contract, and then combine back to veo. var sink = consensus_contract[10]; var use_tx = ["contract_use_tx", 0,0,0, sink, -amount, 2, ZERO, 0]; var sid1 = sub_accounts.normal_key(keys.pub(), cid, 1); var sid2 = sub_accounts.normal_key(keys.pub(), cid, 2); const matrix = buy_veo_contract.matrix(); var row = matrix[1]; var winnings_tx = [ "contract_winnings_tx", 0,0,0, cid, sa1[1], sid1, keys.pub(), buy_veo_contract.proof1(), row]; var row2 = matrix[2]; var winnings_tx2 = [ "contract_winnings_tx", 0,0,0, cid, sa2[1], sid2, keys.pub(), buy_veo_contract.proof2(), row2]; var txs = [use_tx, winnings_tx, winnings_tx2] tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); }; var stx = keys.sign(tx); //post_txs([stx], function(response){ var response = await apost_txs([stx]); console.log(JSON.stringify(response)); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = response; option_div.appendChild(br()); option_div.appendChild(span); option_div.appendChild(br()); //}); }); option_div.appendChild(button); }; })();