var new_market = (function(){ var div = document.getElementById("new_market"); if(!(div)){ div = document.createElement("div"); }; var display = document.createElement("p"); div.appendChild(display); var cid1 = text_input("subcurrency contract 1 (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var type1 = text_input("subcurrency contract 1 type (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var amount1 = text_input("how much of the first kind of subcurrency you pay: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var cid2 = text_input("subcurrency contract 2 (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var type2 = text_input("subcurrency contract 2 type (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var amount2 = text_input("how much of the second kind of subcurrency you pay: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var button = button_maker2("make market", doit); div.appendChild(button); async function doit(){ var Fee = 152050; var CID1 = cid1.value; var CID2 = cid2.value; var Type1 = parseInt(type1.value); var Type2 = parseInt(type2.value); if(!CID1){ CID1 = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); Type1 = 0; }; if(!CID2){ CID2 = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); Type2 = 0; }; var tx = ["market_new_tx",, 0, Fee, CID1, CID2, Type1, Type2, parseInt(amount1.value), parseInt(amount2.value)]; var MID = mid(CID1, CID2, Type1, Type2); console.log(JSON.stringify(tx)); var stx = keys.sign(tx); //post_txs([stx], function(msg){ var msg = await apost_txs([stx]); display.innerHTML = msg .concat(" and the market id is ") .concat(MID); //}); }; function mid(CID1, CID2, Type1, Type2){ var V1 = array_to_int(string_to_array(atob(CID1))); var V2 = array_to_int(string_to_array(atob(CID2))); if((V1 < V2) || ((V1 === V2) && (Type1 < Type2))){ } else { return(mid(CID2, CID1, Type2, Type1)); } var MID = btoa(array_to_string( hash(string_to_array(atob(CID1)) .concat(string_to_array(atob(CID2))) .concat(integer_to_array(Type1, 2)) .concat(integer_to_array(Type2, 2))))); return(MID); }; return({ cid1: function(x){cid1.value = x}, type1: function(x){type1.value = x}, amount1: function(x){amount1.value = x}, cid2: function(x){cid2.value = x}, type2: function(x){type2.value = x}, amount2: function(x){amount2.value = x}, mid: mid, doit: doit }); })();