var simplified_scalar_oracle_creation = (function(){ var div = document.getElementById("simplified_scalar_oracle_creation"); var display = document.createElement("p"); div.appendChild(display); var cid_text = text_input("contract id: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var next_button = button_maker2("next", next); div.appendChild(next_button); var more_options = document.createElement("div"); div.appendChild(more_options); async function next(){ more_options.innerHTML = ""; var Start =[1] - 2; var cid = cid_text.value; var contract = await rpc.apost(["read", 3, cid], get_ip(), 8090); console.log(cid); console.log(contract); var oracle_text = atob(contract[1]); var max_price = contract[3]; var source = contract[5]; var source_type = contract[6]; [price, liquidity] = await price_estimate_read( cid, source, source_type); var price_guess = Math.round(price * max_price); var price_text = text_input("final price (for binary, 1=true, 0=false): ", more_options); price_text.value = price_guess; more_options.appendChild(price_text); var info = document.createElement("div"); info.innerHTML = "oracle with text: " .concat(oracle_text) .concat("
with max price: ") .concat(max_price); more_options.appendChild(info); var make_oracle_button = button_maker2("make_oracle", async function(){ var price = parseInt(price_text.value, 10); console.log(max_price); console.log(price); var FullText = scalar_oracle_creation.fulltext( price, max_price, oracle_text); var oid = id_maker(Start, 0,0, FullText); var tx1 = ["oracle_new", 0,0,0, btoa(FullText), Start, oid, 0, 0, 0]; var bet_amount = 2220000; var tx2 = ["oracle_bet", 0, 0, 0, oid, 1, bet_amount]; var tx = await multi_tx.amake([tx1, tx2]); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var msg = await apost_txs([stx]); display.innerHTML = msg .concat("
") .concat("with oracle id ") .concat(oid); }); more_options.appendChild(make_oracle_button); }; })();