var swap_offer = (function(){ var div = document.getElementById("swap_offer"); var display = document.createElement("p"); var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); div.appendChild(display); var fee = 152050; var timelimit = text_input("how long is this swap offer valid for: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var amount1 = text_input("how much subcurrency you pay: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var cid1 = text_input("subcurrency contract (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var type1 = text_input("subcurrency contract type (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var amount2 = text_input("how much subcurrency you receive: ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var cid2 = text_input("subcurrency contract (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var type2 = text_input("subcurrency contract type (leave blank for veo): ", div); div.appendChild(br()); var partial_match = checkbox_input("allow partially matching this limit order", div); partial_match.checked = true; div.appendChild(br()); var create_button = button_maker2("make swap offer", doit); div.appendChild(create_button); div.appendChild(br()); async function doit(){ var my_acc = await rpc.apost(["account",]) if(my_acc === 0){ display.innerHTML = "error: no key loaded. "; return(0); }; var offer = {}; offer.nonce = my_acc[2] + 1; var now =[1]; offer.start_limit = now - 1; var TimeLimit = parseInt(timelimit.value); offer.end_limit = now + TimeLimit; offer.amount1 = parseInt(amount1.value); offer.amount2 = parseInt(amount2.value); offer.cid1 = cid1.value; offer.cid2 = cid2.value; if("" === offer.cid1){ offer.cid1 = ZERO; } if("" === offer.cid2){ offer.cid2 = ZERO; } offer.type1 = (parseInt(type1.value) || 0); offer.type2 = (parseInt(type2.value) || 0); offer.fee1 = fee; offer.fee2 = fee; offer.acc1 =; offer.partial_match = partial_match.checked; var signed_offer; if(offer.type1 == 0){ var bal = my_acc[1]; if(my_acc == "empty"){ display.innerHTML = "not enough veo to make this offer. (possibly no key loaded?) "; return(0); }; if(offer.amount1 > bal){ display.innerHTML = "not enough veo to make this offer"; return(0); } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(offer)); signed_offer = swaps.pack(offer); display.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(signed_offer); publish_swap_offer.offer(JSON.stringify(signed_offer)); } } else { var key = btoa(array_to_string(sub_accounts.key(, offer.cid1, offer.type1))); var sub_acc = await merkle.arequest_proof("sub_accounts", key); if(sub_acc == "empty"){ display.innerHTML = "not enough subcurrency to make this offer (possibly no key loaded?)"; return(0); }; bal = sub_acc[1]; if(offer.amount1 > bal){ display.innerHTML = "not enough subcurrency to make this offer"; return(0); } else { signed_offer = swaps.pack(offer); display.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(signed_offer); publish_swap_offer.offer(JSON.stringify(signed_offer)); }; }; }; return({ timelimit: function(x){timelimit.value = x}, amount1: function(x){amount1.value = x}, amount2: function(x){amount2.value = x}, cid1: function(x){cid1.value = x}, cid2: function(x){cid2.value = x}, type1: function(x){type1.value = x}, type2: function(x){type2.value = x} }); })();