function create_tab_builder(div, selector){ //create the contract, buy subcurrency, create the market, teach oracle text var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var display = document.createElement("div"); var title = document.createElement("h3"); title.innerHTML = "Create a new synthetic asset and a market for it "; div.appendChild(title); div.appendChild(br()); div.appendChild(display); div.appendChild(br()); var selector_label = document.createElement("span"); selector_label.innerHTML = "source currency (i.e. the collateral backing the synthetic asset): "; div.appendChild(selector_label); div.appendChild(selector); div.appendChild(br()); var normal_div = document.createElement("div"); var stablecoin_div = document.createElement("div"); var current_div = document.createElement("div"); current_div.appendChild(stablecoin_div); var website_text = document.createElement("select"); var option_qtrade = document.createElement("option"); option_qtrade.innerHTML = ""; option_qtrade.value = ""; var option_cmc = document.createElement("option"); option_cmc.innerHTML = ""; option_cmc.value = ""; var option_cp = document.createElement("option"); option_cp.innerHTML = ""; option_cp.value = ""; var option_ed = document.createElement("option"); option_ed.innerHTML = ""; option_ed.value = ""; website_text.appendChild(option_qtrade); website_text.appendChild(option_cmc); website_text.appendChild(option_cp); website_text.appendChild(option_ed); var ticker_text = text_input("Ticker of Synthetic Asset (i.e. BTC)", stablecoin_div); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); website_label = document.createElement("span"); website_label.innerHTML = "website to convert the VEO price to the price of your stablecoin."; stablecoin_div.appendChild(website_label); stablecoin_div.appendChild(website_text); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); var day_label = document.createElement("span"); day_label.innerHTML = "day of the month when the value is measured"; stablecoin_div.appendChild(day_label); var select_day = document.createElement("select"); add_days(select_day, 1, 34); var d = new Date(); select_day.value = d.getDate(); stablecoin_div.appendChild(select_day); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); var month_label = document.createElement("span"); month_label.innerHTML = "month when the value is measured"; stablecoin_div.appendChild(month_label); var select_month = document.createElement("select"); add_months(select_month); var d = new Date(); select_month.value = (1 + d.getMonth()).toString(); stablecoin_div.appendChild(select_month); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); var year_label = document.createElement("span"); year_label.innerHTML = "year when the value is measured"; stablecoin_div.appendChild(year_label); var select_year = document.createElement("select"); add_days(select_year, 2020, 2022); var d = new Date(); select_year.value = d.getFullYear().toString(); stablecoin_div.appendChild(select_year); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); var coll_text = text_input("collateralization (i.e. \"2\" means 200%)", stablecoin_div); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); var starting_price_text = text_input("starting price of veo in your target currency (i.e. 0.0002 BTC per VEO)", stablecoin_div); stablecoin_div.appendChild(br()); var amount_text = text_input("amount of source currency to put into the market as liquidity", div); div.appendChild(br()); div.appendChild(current_div); var stablecoin_button = button_maker2("make contract", make_stablecoin_contract); stablecoin_div.appendChild(stablecoin_button); div.appendChild(br()); function add_months(select_month) { var x = [["january", 1], ["febuary", 2], ["march", 3], ["april", 4], ["may", 5], ["june", 6], ["july", 7], ["august", 8], ["september", 9], ["october", 10], ["november", 11], ["december", 12]]; for(var i = 0; i< x.length; i++){ var option = document.createElement("option"); option.innerHTML = x[i][0]; option.value = x[i][1]; select_month.appendChild(option); }; }; function add_days(select_day, N, Limit){ for(var i = N; i amount2){ //T = total veo invested. //P = initial probability of type 1. //a1 is the more valuable kind. //M1 = [V, A1] //M2 = [A2, B] // A1 + A2 = B // V + B = T // P = V / A1 // P/(1-P) = B / A2 //get rid of the Vs // A1 + A2 = B // P*A1 + B = T // P/(1-P) = B / A2 //get rid of the A1s // P*(B-A2) + B = T // P/(1-P) = B / A2 // -> A2 = B*(1-P)/P //get rid of the A2s //P*(B-(B*(1-P)/P)) + B = T // -> B(P(1-((1-P)/P))) + B = T // B(P-(1-P))+B = T //B(2P-1)+B = T //B(1+(2P-1)) = T //B(2P) = T //B = T/2/P //V = T-B = T(1 - 1/(2*P)) = T(2P - 1)/(2p) //V = T - B //A1 = V/P //A2 = B - A1 //A1 = B(1-P) //A2 = B*P var T = amount; var P = price; var B = Math.round(amount/2/P); var V = Math.round(T - B); //var A1 = Math.round(B*(1-P)); //var A2 = Math.round(B*P); //var A1 = Math.round(V*P); //var A2 = B-A1; var A1 = Math.round(V/P); var A2 = Math.round(B - A1); txs = txs.concat([ ["contract_use_tx", 0,0,0, cid, B, 2, Source, SourceType], ["market_new_tx",0,0,0, cid,cid,1,2, A2, B-1000], ["market_new_tx",0,0,0, Source,cid,SourceType,1, V, A1], ["market_new_tx",0,0,0, Source,cid,SourceType,2, 1000, 1000] ]); } else if (amount2 > amount1){ var T = amount; var P = 1 - price; //var B = Math.round(T*(P/(P + ((1+P)*(1-P))))); var B = Math.round(amount/2/P); //var B = Math.round(amount/2/(1 - ((1-P)/4))); var V = Math.round(T - B); //var A1 = Math.round(B*(1-P)); //var A2 = Math.round(B*P); //var A1 = Math.round(V*P); var A1 = Math.round(V/P); var A2 = B-A1; txs = txs.concat([ ["contract_use_tx", 0,0,0, cid, B, 2, Source, SourceType], ["market_new_tx",0,0,0, cid,cid,2,1, A2, B-1000], ["market_new_tx",0,0,0, Source,cid,SourceType,1, 1000, 1000], ["market_new_tx",0,0,0, Source,cid,SourceType,2, V, A1] ]); }; var msg = ["add", 3, btoa(Text), 0, MP, Source, SourceType]; var x = await rpc.apost(msg, get_ip(), 8090); console.log(JSON.stringify(x)); console.log("taught a scalar contract."); return(txs); }; async function make_contract2(Text, MP, price, amount, display2, selector2) { var txs = await make_txs(Text, MP, price, amount, display2, selector2.value); var tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); var stx = keys.sign(tx); var msg = await apost_txs([stx]); var CH = txs[0][2]; var Source = txs[0][5]; var SourceType = txs[0][6]; var cid = merkle.contract_id_maker(CH, 2, Source, SourceType); msg = msg.concat("
contract id: ") .concat(cid) ; display2.innerHTML = msg; if(!(msg == "server rejected the tx")){ keys.update_balance(); }; }; return({ website:(function(x){website_text.value = x}), coll:(function(x){coll_text.value = x}), starting_price:(function(x){starting_price_text.value = x}), ticker:(function(x){ticker_text.value = x}), amount:(function(x){amount_text.value = x}), make_contract2: make_contract2, make_txs: make_txs }); };