function swap_tab_builder(swap_tab, selector, hide_non_standard){ if(!(swap_tab)){ swap_tab = document.createElement("div"); }; if(!(selector)){ selector = document.createElement("select"); }; //?cid_to_buy=jz5+NialTR/Ktymo2jb7PBDdVIGcSKVXwVw0bA6dEqY=&type_to_buy=1 const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; var ZERO = btoa(array_to_string(integer_to_array(0, 32))); var trading_fee = 0.9979995; //var loop_limit = 90; var loop_limit = 5; //spend 20, get 25.4128 //var trading_fee = 0.98; var slippage = 1; var display = document.createElement("div"); var final_price; var contracts_div = document.createElement("div"); var cid_to_buy = urlParams.get('cid_to_buy'); var contract_to_buy = document.createElement("select"); if(cid_to_buy){ cid_to_buy = cid_to_buy.replace(/\ /g, "+"); //look up contract from explorer. var type_to_buy = parseInt(urlParams.get('type_to_buy'), 10); //console.log(cid_to_buy); memoized_contract_post(cid_to_buy, function(contract){ //console.log(JSON.stringify(contract)); display_contracts2( contracts_div, [contract], [], function(){ //console.log(JSON.stringify([cid_to_buy, type_to_buy])); contract_to_buy.value = JSON.stringify([cid_to_buy, type_to_buy]); }); }); } else { var veo_option = document.createElement("option"); veo_option.innerHTML = "veo"; veo_option.value = "veo"; contract_to_buy.appendChild(veo_option); display_contracts(contracts_div); }; swap_tab.appendChild(contracts_div); var swap_title = document.createElement("h3"); swap_title.innerHTML = "Swap Currencies"; var contracts_list_link = document.createElement("a"); contracts_list_link.href = "../explorers/contracts_list.html"; contracts_list_link.innerHTML = "a list of Amoveo contracts"; = "_blank"; swap_tab.appendChild(br()); swap_tab.appendChild(contracts_list_link); swap_tab.appendChild(swap_title); swap_tab.appendChild(br()); var details = document.createElement("p"); details.innerHTML = "This tool takes advantage of all available uniswap-like markets in order to transform your currency into the type you want, in a single block. It uses a gradient descent algorithm to combine the markets as efficiently as possible, it tries to be arbitrage-free."; swap_tab.appendChild(details); swap_tab.appendChild(br()); swap_tab.appendChild(display); var selector_label = document.createElement("span"); selector_label.innerHTML = "which currency to sell: "; swap_tab.appendChild(selector_label); swap_tab.appendChild(selector); swap_tab.appendChild(br()); var amount_input = text_input("amount to sell: ", swap_tab); amount_input.value = "0.01"; var sell_all_button = button_maker2("sell all", async function(){ var currency = selector.value; if(currency == "veo") { var acc = await rpc.apost(["account",]); amount_input.value = (acc[1] / token_units()).toFixed(8); } else { currency = JSON.parse(currency); var trie_key = sub_accounts.key(, currency[0], currency[1]); trie_key = btoa(array_to_string(trie_key)); memoized_sub_account_post(trie_key, function(acc){ var balance = 0; if(!(acc == "empty")){ balance = acc[1]; }; var limit = 1; if((currency[1] === 1) && tabs.balances_db[trie_key].limit){ limit = tabs.balances_db[trie_key].limit; }; console.log(JSON.stringify(currency)); console.log(JSON.stringify(tabs.balances_db[trie_key])); console.log(JSON.stringify([balance, limit, token_units()])); amount_input.value = (balance * limit / token_units()).toFixed(8); }); }; }); swap_tab.appendChild(sell_all_button); swap_tab.appendChild(br()); var buy_label = document.createElement("span"); buy_label.innerHTML = "which currency to buy: "; swap_tab.appendChild(buy_label); //var contract_to_buy = document.createElement("select"); swap_tab.appendChild(contract_to_buy); swap_tab.appendChild(br()); swap_tab.appendChild(br()); var swap_price_button = button_maker2("lookup price", swap_price); var publish_tx_button = button_maker2("confirm the trade", function(){ display.innerHTML = "lookup the price first"; return(0);}); swap_tab.appendChild(swap_price_button); swap_tab.appendChild(publish_tx_button); async function display_contracts(div) { var contracts = await rpc.apost(["contracts"], get_ip(), 8091);//8091 is explorer var s = ""; return(display_contracts2(div, contracts.slice(1), [])); }; function display_contracts2(div, contracts, pairs, callback) { if(contracts.length < 1) { //console.log("display contracts end"); if(callback){ return(callback()); }; return(0); } var cid = contract_to_cid(contracts[0]); var source = contracts[0][8]; var source_type = contracts[0][9]; memoized_oracle_text_post(cid, async function(oracle_text){ //console.log("read oracle text"); if(oracle_text[1] && (atob(oracle_text[1]))){ //console.log(atob(oracle_text[1])); }; [p_est, liquidity] = await price_estimate_read(cid, source, source_type); if(!(oracle_text == 0)) { var type = oracle_text[0]; var text = atob(oracle_text[1]); var text0 = text; var ticker_bool = tabs.is_ticker_format(text); var option = document.createElement("option"); option.innerHTML = ""; option.value = JSON.stringify([cid, 1]); var option2 = document.createElement("option"); option2.innerHTML = ""; option2.value = JSON.stringify([cid, 2]); var open_interest = (contracts[0][11] / token_units()).toFixed(2).toString(); var liquidity = (liquidity/100000000).toFixed(2).toString(); if(liquidity > 0.009){ if(ticker_bool){ contract_to_buy.appendChild(option); contract_to_buy.appendChild(option2); var button1_text = " contract "; var button2_text = " inverse contract "; stable_text = tabs.decode_ticker(text, p_est, "stablecoin"); long_text = tabs.decode_ticker(text, p_est, "long-veo"); var ticker = "v".concat(tabs.symbol(text0)); var button1_text = ticker; var button2_text = " i".concat(ticker); var s1 = "" .concat("\"") .concat(stable_text) .concat("\"~ ") //.concat("; open interest: ") //.concat(open_interest) .concat("; liquidity: ") .concat(liquidity) //.concat((contracts[0][11] / token_units()).toFixed(2).toString()) .concat(""); var s2 = "" .concat("\"") .concat(long_text) .concat("\"~ ") //.concat("; open interest: ") //.concat(open_interest) .concat("; liquidity: ") .concat(liquidity) //.concat((contracts[0][11] / token_units()).toFixed(2).toString()) .concat(""); option.innerHTML = s1; option2.innerHTML = s2; } else {//if (!(hide_non_standard)){ contract_to_buy.appendChild(option); contract_to_buy.appendChild(option2); var short_text = text.slice(0, 64); if (text.length > short_text.length){ short_text = short_text.concat("..."); }; option.innerHTML = "" //.concat(button1_text) .concat("TRUE: ") .concat(short_text) //.concat("; open interest: ") //.concat(open_interest) .concat("; price: ") .concat(p_est.toFixed(2)) .concat("; liquidity: ") .concat(liquidity) .concat(""); option2.innerHTML = "" //.concat(button2_text) .concat("FALSE: ") .concat(short_text) //.concat("; open interest: ") //.concat(open_interest) .concat("; price: ") .concat((1-p_est).toFixed(2)) .concat("; liquidity: ") .concat(liquidity) .concat(""); }; }; } setTimeout(function(){ display_contracts2(div, contracts.slice(1), pairs, callback); }, 200); }); }; function swap_price() { var C1 = selector.value; var CID1, CID2, Type1, Type2; if(C1 == "veo") { //buying something with veo CID1 = ZERO; Type1 = 0; } else { C1 = JSON.parse(C1); CID1 = C1[0]; Type1 = C1[1]; }; if(contract_to_buy.value === "veo"){ //selling something for veo CID2 = ZERO; Type2 = 0; } else { var to_buy = JSON.parse(contract_to_buy.value); CID2 = to_buy[0]; Type2 = to_buy[1]; }; if((CID1 == CID2) && (Type1 == Type2)){ display.innerHTML = "cannot trade something for itself."; return(0); }; var A = parseFloat(amount_input.value) * token_units(); if(Type1 === 1){ var trie_key = sub_accounts.key(, CID1, Type1); trie_key = btoa(array_to_string(trie_key)); limit = tabs.balances_db[trie_key].limit; A = A / limit; }; A = Math.round(A); return(txs_maker(A, CID1, Type1, CID2, Type2, function(txs, markets){ return(make_tx2( txs, markets, [CID1, Type1], [CID2, Type2]))})); }; function txs_maker(A, CID1, Type1, CID2, Type2, callback){ var sub_acc = sub_accounts.key(, CID1, Type1); sub_acc = btoa(array_to_string(sub_acc)); memoized_sub_account_post(sub_acc, function(SA){ var amount; if(CID1 == ZERO ){ amount = 99999999999999999999999;} else if(SA == "empty"){ amount = 0;} else if(SA[0] == "sub_acc"){ amount = SA[1]; } else { console.log("bad error"); return(0); } if(!(CID1 == ZERO)){ A = Math.min(A, amount); }; memoized_r_paths_post(CID1, CID2, function(response){ //looking up every market and contract on paths between the 2 contracts. var markets = response[1].slice(1); var contracts = response[2].slice(1); return(swap_price2(markets, contracts, A, CID1, Type1, CID2, Type2, callback)); }); }); }; function swap_price2( marketids, cids, amount234, cid1, type1, cid2, type2, callback) { return(get_contracts(cids, [], function(contracts){ return(get_markets(marketids, [], function(markets) { var Paths = all_paths([[[cid1, type1]]], cid2, type2, contracts, markets, 5); var Paths2 = end_goal(cid2, type2, Paths); //Paths2 = Paths2.reverse(); //Paths2 = Paths.slice(1); if(Paths2.length == 0){ display.innerHTML = "error. there is no way to transform the input currency into the output currency."; return(0); }; if(amount234 > 0){ return(swap_price3( Paths2, amount234, markets, callback)); } else { return(reverse_swap_price3( Paths2, -amount234, markets, [cid2, type2], callback)); } })); })); }; function end_goal(cid, type, paths) { var paths2 = []; for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { var path = paths[i]; var last = path[path.length - 1]; if((last[0] == cid) && (last[1] == type)){ paths2 = paths2.concat([paths[i]]); } }; return(paths2); }; function array_of(N, L) { if(L == 0) { return([])}; return([N].concat(array_of(N, L-1))); }; function build_paths_db(Paths, DB) { if(Paths.length < 1) { return(DB); }; if(Array.isArray(Paths[0])) { build_paths_db(Paths[0], DB); return(build_paths_db(Paths.slice(1), DB)); }; if(Paths[0] == "market") { var market = Paths; DB[market[1]] = market; return(DB); }; if(Paths[0] == "contract") { var contract = Paths; var cid = contract_to_cid(contract); DB[cid] = contract; return(DB); }; return build_paths_db(Paths.slice(1), DB); }; function swap_price3(Paths, amount33, markets, callback) { //we need to find the optimal way to spend amount on the different paths to get the best price. //an initial guess we can keep improving. //Paths = Paths.slice(2); //console.log(JSON.stringify(Paths[1])); //Paths = [Paths[0]].concat(Paths.slice(2)); //console.log(JSON.stringify(Paths)); var L = Paths.length; var db = build_paths_db(Paths, {}); //console.log(JSON.stringify(db)); if(L == 1){ var guess = [amount33]; var db20 = make_trades(guess, Paths, db); var db2 = db20[0]; return(make_tx(guess, amount33, Paths, db, db2, markets, callback)); } var a = amount33 / L; var guess = array_of(a, L); //console.log("swap price 3"); //console.log(guess); return(swap_price_loop(Paths, amount33, guess, db, markets, callback, loop_limit)); } function reverse_swap_price3(Paths, amount, markets, gain_currency, callback){ //This time "amount" is how much we want to receive, not how much we want to spend. swap_price3(Paths, amount*1000, markets, function(txs){ var gain = calculate_gain(gain_currency, txs, markets) - calculate_loss(gain_currency, txs, markets); return(reverse_swap_binary_search([0,0], [amount*1000, gain], Paths, amount, markets, gain_currency, callback, 12)); }); }; function reverse_swap_binary_search(low, high, Paths, amount, markets, gain_currency, callback, N){ if(N < 1){ //console.log(JSON.stringify([ // low, high //])); var average_amount = (low[0] + high[0])/2; return(swap_price3( Paths, average_amount, markets, callback)); }; var portion = (amount - low[1]) / (high[1] - low[1]); var next_guess = ((high[0] - low[0]) * portion) + low[0]; swap_price3(Paths, next_guess, markets, function(txs){ var gain = calculate_gain(gain_currency, txs, markets) - calculate_loss(gain_currency, txs, markets); //console.log(amount); //console.log(next_guess); //console.log(gain); if(gain > amount){ return(reverse_swap_binary_search(low, [next_guess, gain], Paths, amount, markets, gain_currency, callback, N-1)); } else { return(reverse_swap_binary_search([next_guess, gain], high, Paths, amount, markets, gain_currency, callback, N-1)); }; }); }; function swap_price_loop(Paths, amount, guess, db, markets, callback, N) { /* var guess = []; var Paths = []; for(var i = 0; i 0.1)){ guess = guess.concat([guess0[i]]); Paths = Paths.concat([Paths0[i]]); }; }; */ //REVERSE HERE Paths = Paths.reverse(); guess = guess.reverse(); //with reverse. buying 1 and 10 veo worth //2.0998 //14.487 //without is worse. //2.1035 //14.473 //Paths = (Paths.concat([Paths[0]])).slice(1); //guess = (guess.concat([guess[0]])).slice(1); var db20 = make_trades(guess, Paths, db); var db2 = db20[0] if(N < 1) { return(make_tx(guess, amount, Paths, db, db2, markets, callback)); }; //make a database of the markets and contracts that can be updated with trades. //update the database based on our current guess of the distribution. //calculate the final price on every path to buy a bit more. this is the gradient vector. var gradient = get_gradient(Paths, db2, 1); var laplacian = get_laplacian(Paths, db2, gradient); //console.log(gradient); //console.log(laplacian); //console.log(guess); var average = average_fun(gradient, guess); final_price = 1/average; //if(good_enough(gradient, guess, average)){ //if(false){ // console.log("done!"); // console.log(guess); // return(make_tx(guess, amount, Paths, db, db2, markets, callback)); //} else { var nextGuess = improve_guess(average, guess, gradient, amount, laplacian); return(swap_price_loop(Paths, amount, nextGuess, db, markets, callback, N-1)); //}; //for the paths that are more expensive than average, buy less in the next iteration. for the paths that are less expensive, buy more in the next iteration. }; function improve_guess(average, guess, grad, amount, laplacian){ //console.log("improve guess"); var r = []; for(var i = 0; i 0) { n = Math.max(n, 0); } else { n = Math.min(n, 0); }; r2 = r2.concat([n]); }; var t2 = normalize(r2).map(function(x){ return(x*amount); }); //to change back from the laplace strategy to the original strategy, change this t2 to a t. return(t2); }; function average_fun(grad, guess) { //weighted average price paid on paths var guess_total = guess.reduce(function(a, b) { return(a+b); }); var total = 0; for(var i = 0; i 0.5)) && (p > 0.0001)){ return(false); }; }; return(true); }; function get_gradient(Paths, db3, Step) { //console.log("get gradient"); //var db4; var db4 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(db3)); var r = []; for(var i = 0; i (b*b)){ //G0 = -Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); //G0 = 0; //price1 = 1.1; //Amount = 0; console.log("error"); return(0) } else { G0 = Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); }; var G1 = (-b + G0)/ 2; var G2 = (-b - G0)/ 2; var G = Math.max(G1, G2); price1 = m[7]/m[4]; m[4] = m[4] - G; m[7] = m[7] + Amount + G; if(!(Math.pow((((m[4] * m[7])/K) - 1), 2)<0.00001)){ console.log(b*b - (4*a*c)); console.log(K); console.log(m[4] * m[7]); console.log("error"); return(0); }; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = Amount + (G * trading_fee); db[mid] = m; //} } else { //starts at source. the market is between the subcurrencies. if((end_currency[0] == mcid1) && (end_currency[1] == mtype1)){ price1 = m[7]/m[4]; m[7] = m[7] + Amount; var old = m[4]; m[4] = K / m[7]; var gain = old - m[4]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = Amount + (gain * trading_fee); db[mid] = m; } else if ((end_currency[0] == mcid2) && (end_currency[1] == mtype2)){ price1 = m[4]/m[7]; m[4] = m[4] + Amount; var old = m[7]; m[7] = K / m[4]; var gain = old - m[7]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = Amount + (gain * trading_fee); db[mid] = m; } else { console.log("bad error"); return(0); }; }; //from now on we only consider cases where you start out owning one of the subcurrencies. } else if((end_currency[0] == source) && (end_currency[1] == source_type)) { if((mcid1 == source)&&(mtype1 == source_type)){ //contract-buy source, market spend source to buy other subcurrency //know: A1, A2, K //to know: Contract Buy, S, G //contract buy = amount, //S = Amount //K = A1 * A2 //K = (A1 + S)(A2 - G) //G = A2 - (K/(A1+S)) //var G = m[7] - (K/(m[4] + Amount)); /* m[4] = m[4] + Amount; var old = m[7]; m[7] = K/m[4]; var G = old - m[7]; Amount = (G * trading_fee) - Amount; */ //A1*A2 = (A1 + ?)(A2 + -Amount) //(A1*A2/(A2-Amount))-A1 = G price1 = m[4]/m[7]; m[7] = m[7] - Amount; var old = m[4]; m[4] = K/m[7]; var G = old - m[4]; //Amount = (G * trading_fee) - Amount; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = Amount - G; db[mid] = m; } else if((mcid2 == source)&&(mtype2 == source_type)){ price1 = m[7]/m[4]; m[4] = m[4] - Amount; var old = m[7]; m[7] = K/m[4]; var G = old - m[7]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = Amount - G; db[mid] = m; } else if((mcid2 == start_currency[0]) && (mtype2 == start_currency[1])) { //contract-buy source, market spend subcurrency to buy other subcurrency //sell just enough to have equal amounts of bot //buying m[5]. // buy B //gain == Amount - B //Amount - B = m[4] - m[4] //B = Amount - m[4] + K/m[7] //B = Amount - m[4] + K/(m[7] + B) //(K/(m[7] + B)) = B - Amount + m[4] //K = (m[7] + B) * (B - Amount + m[4]) //0 = B^2 + B(m[7] - Amount + m[4]) + ((m[7]*(m[4]-Amount)) - K) //0 = a*x^2 + b*x + c // a = 1; // b = (m[7] + m[4] - Amount); // c = ((m[7] * (m[4] - Amount)) - K) // B = (-b +- sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)))/ 2 //testing //var temp = m[4]; //m[4] = m[7]; //m[7] = temp; var K = m[4] * m[7]; var a = 1; var b = m[7] + m[4] - Amount; var c = ((m[7] * (m[4] - Amount)) - K); var B0 = Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); var B1 = (-b + B0)/ 2; var B2 = (-b - B0)/ 2; var B = Math.max(B1, B2); price1 = m[7]/m[4]; m[7] = m[7] + B; var old = m[4]; m[4] = K/m[7]; var gain = old - m[4]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = (gain * trading_fee); db[mid] = m; } else if ((mcid1 == start_currency[0]) && (mtype1 == start_currency[1])) { var a = 1; var b = m[7] + m[4] - Amount; var c = ((m[4] * (m[7] - Amount)) - K); var B0 = Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); var B1 = (-b + B0)/ 2; var B2 = (-b - B0)/ 2; var B = Math.max(B1, B2); price1 = m[4]/m[7]; m[4] = m[4] + B; var old = m[7]; m[7] = K/m[4]; var gain = old - m[7]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = (gain * trading_fee);//also = Amount - B db[mid] = m; } else { console.log("bad error"); return(0); }; } else { //now we only consider cases of selling one subcurrency to get another. //we know that one end of the market is the source. if((mcid1 == start_currency[0]) && (mtype1 == start_currency[1])){ //contract-sell source, market spend subcurrency to buy source. //K = A1*A2 //K = (A1 + Amount + G)(A2 - G) //K = (A1 + Amount + G)(A2 - G) //0 = -G^2 + G*(A2 - A1 -Amount) + (K - K + A2*Amount) //0 = G^2 + G*(A1 + Amount - A2) - (A2*Amount) var a = 1; var b = m[4]+Amount-m[7]; var c = -m[7]*Amount; var G0 = Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); var G1 = (-b + G0)/ 2; var G2 = (-b - G0)/ 2; var G = Math.max(G1, G2); price1 = m[4]/m[7]; m[4] = m[4] + Amount + G; m[7] = m[7] - G; //m[7] = K / m[4]; if(!(Math.pow(((m[4] * m[7]) - K), 2)<1)){ console.log("error"); return(0); }; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = (G * trading_fee); db[mid] = m; } else if ((mcid2 == start_currency[0]) && (mtype2 == start_currency[1])){ //a1*a2 = (a1+amount+g)(a2-g) //a1*a2 = a1*a2 + amount*a2 + g(a2 - amount - a1) - g*g //0 = -g*g + g(a2-amount-a1) + (amount*a2) //0 = g*g + g(amount+a1-a2) - (amount*a2) var a = 1; var b = Amount + m[7] - m[4]; var c = -m[4]*Amount; var G0; if((4*a*c)>(b*b)){ //G0 = -Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); //G0 = 0; //price1 = 1.1; //Amount = 0; //console.log(JSON.stringify([4*a*c, b*b])); console.log("error"); return(0); } else { G0 = Math.sqrt(b*b - (4*a*c)); }; var G1 = (-b + G0)/ 2; var G2 = (-b - G0)/ 2; //var G = Math.max(G1, G2); var G = Math.max(G1, G2); var m0 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(m)); price1 = m[7]/m[4]; m[7] = m[7] + Amount + G; m[4] = m[4] - G; //m[4] = K / m[7]; if(!(Math.pow((((m[4] * m[7])/K) - 1), 2)<0.0001)){ console.log([a, b, c]); console.log(b*b - (4*a*c)); console.log(G0); console.log([m[4], m[7], Amount, G, K]); console.log((Math.pow((((m[4] * m[7]))/K) - 1, 2))); console.log("error"); return(0); }; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = (G * trading_fee); db[mid] = m; } else if ((mcid1 == end_currency[0]) && (mtype1 == end_currency[1])){ //K = A1 * A2; //K = (A1 + Amount) * (A2 - G); //G-A2 = -K/(A1 + Amount) //G = A2 -(K/(A1+Amount)); //var G = m[7] - (K/(m[4] + Amount)); price1 = m[4]/m[7]; m[4] = m[4] + Amount; var old = m[7]; m[7] = K/m[4]; var G = old - m[7]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = (G * trading_fee) - Amount; db[mid] = m; } else if ((mcid2 == end_currency[0])&& (mtype2 == end_currency[1])){ price1 = m[7]/m[4]; m[7] = m[7] + Amount; var old = m[4]; m[4] = K/m[7]; var G = old - m[4]; m = clean_market(m, K); Amount = (G * trading_fee) - Amount; db[mid] = m; } else { console.log("bad error"); return(0); }; }; } else { console.log("process path bad error"); console.log(type); return(0); } //console.log([price1, StartAmount/Amount]); return(process_path(Amount, path, price*StartAmount/Amount, db)); }; function all_paths(Paths, cid2, type2, contracts, markets, Steps) { if(Steps < 1) { return(Paths); }; var Paths2 = market_extentions(Paths, markets, cid2, type2); var Paths3 = contract_extentions(Paths2, contracts, markets, cid2, type2); var Paths4 = remove_cycles(Paths3); var Paths5 = remove_repeats(Paths4); var Paths7 = remove_repeats2(Paths5); //var Paths7 = remove_repeats3(Paths6); return(all_paths(Paths7, cid2, type2, contracts, markets, Steps-1)); }; function path2mids(L) { if(L.length < 1){ return([]); } else if(L[0][0] == "market"){ return([L[0][1]] .concat(path2mids(L.slice(1)))); } else if(L[0][0][0] == "contract"){ return([L[0][1][1]] .concat(path2mids(L.slice(1)))); } else { return(path2mids(L.slice(1))); }; }; function currencies_add(cid, type, amount, currencies) { if(currencies[[cid, type]]){ currencies[[cid, type]] += amount; } else { currencies[[cid, type]] = amount; } }; function calculate_loss(currency, txs, markets) { //console.log(JSON.stringify(currency)); var r = 0; for(var i = 0; i 0){ maxGuess = Math.max( maxGuess, guess[i]); } else { maxGuess = Math.min( maxGuess, guess[i]); } }; //console.log("maxGuess"); //console.log(maxGuess); //getting the tx price on the maxGuess path. for(var i = 0; i 0) && (guess[i] > 10)) || (amount < 0) && (guess[i] < -10)) { var p = Paths[i]; mids = mids.concat(path2mids(p)); }; }; mids = remove_repeats(mids); //console.log("mids"); //console.log(mids); for(var i = 0; i amount for(var i = 0; ito receive ") .concat(((gain * gain_db.limit)/ token_units()).toFixed(8).toString()) .concat(gain_db.ticker) .concat("
trading at a price of: ") .concat(show_price) .concat("
leaving the market at a price of: ") .concat(final_price.toFixed(4).toString()) .concat(gain_db.ticker) .concat(" per ") .concat(spend_db.ticker) .concat("
slippage: ") .concat((slippage*100).toFixed(2).toString()) .concat("%"); display.innerHTML = to_display; if({ display.appendChild(br()); var gain_span = document.createElement("span"); gain_span.innerHTML = "gain "; display.appendChild(gain_span); display.appendChild(; }; if({ display.appendChild(br()); var spend_span = document.createElement("span"); spend_span.innerHTML = "spend "; display.appendChild(spend_span); display.appendChild(; }; console.log(JSON.stringify(txs)); var tx = await multi_tx.amake(txs); var fee_span = document.createElement("span"); fee_span.innerHTML = "
veo fees: " .concat(((trading_fees + (slippage * loss) + tx[3])/token_units()).toFixed(8).toString()); display.appendChild(fee_span); var stx = keys.sign(tx); //console.log(JSON.stringify(tx)); //console.log(JSON.stringify(txs)); //return(0); publish_tx_button.onclick = async function(){ //post_txs([stx], function(msg){ var msg = await apost_txs([stx]); memoized_markets = {}; display.innerHTML = msg .concat("
clearing cache of market data."); keys.update_balance(); //}); }; }); }); }); }); //}); }; function decode_oracle(text, contract, currency, markets){ if(contract === 0){ return({ price_b: 1, limit: 1, slippage: 0, ticker: " veo" }); }; var source = [contract[8], contract[9]]; //console.log(JSON.stringify([source, currency])); var mid1 = new_market.mid(source[0], currency[0], 0, 1); var mid2 = new_market.mid(source[0], currency[0], 0, 2); var mid3 = new_market.mid(currency[0], currency[0], 1, 2); var market1 = get_market(mid1, markets); var market2 = get_market(mid2, markets); var market3 = get_market(mid3, markets); var P = price_estimate(market1, market2, market3);//value of a stablecoin in veo. between 0 and 1, 1 means the margin is used up. if(currency[1] === 2){ P = 1-P; }; var r = { ticker: " shares ", price_b: 1/P, limit: 1, slippage: 0 }; if(text && (!(text === 0))){ text = atob(text[1]); if(tabs.is_ticker_format(text)){ var limit = tabs.coll_limit(text); //var ticker = tabs.symbol(text); var front = " iv"; if(currency[1] === 1){ //r.price = limit * gain / loss; r.limit = limit; r.price_b = limit / P; front = " v"; } r.ticker = front .concat(tabs.symbol(text)); //r.to_receive = limit * gain; //r.slippage = Math.abs(r.price - r.price_b)/r.price_b; }; }; var cid_link = document.createElement("a"); cid_link.href = "explorers/contract_explorer.html?cid=" .concat(currency[0]); cid_link.innerHTML = "currency info";//" shares "; = "_blank"; = cid_link; return(r); }; function get_oracle_text(cid, callback){ if(cid === ZERO){ return(callback(0)); } memoized_oracle_text_post(cid, function(x){ return(callback(x)); }, get_ip(), 8090); }; function get_contract(cid, callback){ if(cid === ZERO){ return(callback(0)); } memoized_contract_post(cid, function(x){ return(callback(x)); }); }; function contract_extentions(Paths, contracts, markets, cid2, type2) { var Paths2 = []; for (var p = 0; p 0){ var newPath = Paths[p].concat([[Contract,direct[0]],[cid, 1]]); Markets2 = Markets2.concat([newPath]); var newPath = Paths[p].concat([[Contract,direct[0]],[cid, 2]]); Markets2 = Markets2.concat([newPath]); } Paths2 = Paths2 .concat([Paths[p]]) .concat(Markets2); //*/ //} } else if (Tip[0] == cid){ //so we can change it into any of the other subcurrencies, or the source. //* 1 market directly to other subcurrency. this case is handled by the other //* 1 market directly to source. handled by other. //market to source + contract. to get to the other subcurrency. //market to other subcurrency + contract var otherType; if(Tip[1] == 1){ otherType = 2; } else if (Tip[1] == 2) { otherType = 1; } else { console.log("bad tip"); return(0); }; Paths2 = Paths2.concat([Paths[p]]); var m2s = market_from_list(Source, SourceType, Tip[0], Tip[1], markets); //var m2s = market_from_list(Source, SourceType, Tip[0], otherType, markets); if(m2s.length > 0){ //var other = [Source, SourceType]; var other = [Tip[0], otherType]; var step = [Contract, m2s[0]]; var newPath = Paths[p].concat([step, other]); //var newPath = Paths[p].concat([Contract, m2s[0], other]); Paths2 = Paths2.concat([newPath]); } var m2other = market_from_list(Tip[0], otherType, Tip[0], Tip[1], markets); if(m2other.length > 0){ //var other = [Tip[0], otherType]; var other = [Source, SourceType]; var step = [Contract, m2other[0]]; var newPath = Paths[p].concat([step, other]); Paths2 = Paths2.concat([newPath]); } } else { Paths2 = Paths2.concat([Paths[p]]); } }; }; return Paths2; }; function market_extentions(Paths, markets, cid2, type2) { var Paths2 = []; for (var p = 0; p